6 July in Alicante: Entrance test for Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Many students from DEM.
12 July in Alicante: Entrance test for Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. In 2014, they specifically encourage the admission of Spanish students.
These are the ONLY ENTRANCE TESTS offered in Spain by these two renowned Czech universities.
We will send you all necessary preparation material in order to be admitted easily.
We particularly recommend these faculties to students looking the best, most modern facilities. Highly individualised studies. Small groups.
Both university campuses have been built recently and offer state-of-the-art technology for Medicine studies. The best feedback we get is from students at these universities.
Ask us for more information to register for the tests:
Phone: +34 628857477
E-mail: info@donde-estudiar-medicina.es