The Semmelweis school of pharmacy was founded in 1955, although its origins are even older. The schoool offers the students the best education and excellent pharmaceutical studies.

The study courses at the Semmelweis school of pharmacy are optimally structured and the future pharmacists are provided with all the necessary knowledge of this field. The teaching methods are modern and up-to-date. At the Semmelweis school of pharmacy the main goal is to train specialists for pharmacies as well as for industry, health care authorities and clinical, biomedical and chemical labs. All the possible labour careers are taken into account throughout the degree. The studies are practice-oriented, as students will also acquire knowledge related to biology, chemistry and medicine. All this aspects make the Semmelweis school of pharmacy the perfect option to study.

In Budapest, pharmacy can be studied in English and German, apart from Bulgarian. There are currently 649 people studying at the Semmelweis school of pharmacy. There is a high demand and places are always taken by people from all over the world. The study groups are however small, which is an added value, since each student receives an individualized education. Another essential point is that you will have more career chances once you complete your studies at the Semmelweis school of pharmacy and you can work in different fields. In addition to this, it is also important that the Semmelweis school of pharmacy has many international contacts and makes the most of these relations. The school has very close relationships with the universities of Louvain, London and California. This is an advantage for education exchange programs and research cooperations.

Lectures are always practice-oriented and professors focus on personal contact with the students. In order to achieve it, study groups are relatively small. The practical training teaches the students about drug preparation (dispensing) and clinical pharmacy. Drug research and specialized counseling for patients (such as in pharmacies) or doctors (in doctor’s offices or in hospitals) are also an important aspect during the degree. The students can work in research groups to reinforce their knowledge. Apart from the specialized knowledge, the students will be also taught to be respectful and committed people and to take care of the environment. Ethics play an essential role, especially with respect to the relatively careless handling of tablets and drugs in many modern societies. Therefore, the Semmelweis school of pharmacy is a great choice.