Degrees: Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
Location: Budapest (Hungary)
English (or German, if you prefer)
Application process: Admission exam
Recognition: In the USA, the EU and some other countries


Medicine: The medical degree at the Semmelweis University lasts 6 years. The studies are recognized worldwide and train the students to be highly qualified doctors. Both programs prepare you to have a successful start into your international medical career.

Dentistry: The dentistry degree at Semmelweis University lasts 5 years. The faculty is very well-equipped and prepares the best dental surgeons, but also future-oriented and highly qualified researchers in the dental field. The studies ensure a successful career in an international framework.

Pharmacy: The pharmacy program at the Semmelweis University lasts 5 years. The lectures are practice-oriented and after the completion of the whole degree, the student is awarded with the certificate “Dr. of Pharmacy”. The school of pharmacy trains students to become highly qualified pharmacists, which are prepared to enter the labour market.


Budapest is with 1.7 million inhabitants the capital and the largest city of Hungary. Budapest is located at the banks of the Danube River; which alsodivides the city into two parts. On the west part is Buda, the hilly area; on the east is Pest, the flat area. The climate is dry and continental. The Semmelweis University is located directly in the city center near the Danube River.

Application process:

For the English program you will need to pass an admission examination with questions from the fields of biology, chemistry and medical English. Furthermore, you will have to participate in an interview, if you want to be admitted to the Semmelweis University.


All the degrees acquired at the Semmelweis University are adapted to the Bologna process, so the recognition in the USA, the EU, the European Economic Area and some other countries is ensured.