Country name: Republic of Croatia (Republika Hrvatska)

Climate: Continental, mountain or Mediterranean climate depending on the area.

Location: 13-19 degrees East longitude and 42-47 degrees North latitude

Neighbouring countries: Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro

Area: 56,594 square kilometres

Capital: Zagreb

Population: 4.43 million inhabitants, 89% are ethnically Croatian, 4.5% Serbs and other nationalities, life expectancy: approximately 75 years old

Official language: Croatian

Religion: the vast majority are Roman-Catholic, there are also Serbian Orthodox, Jews, Protestant, Muslims

Culture policy

National cohesion provides a strong base for the development of Croatian culture policy, which is explicitly dedicated to the conservation of cultural national heritage. Furthermore, the culture sector is independent in Croatia and it is being expanded and developed through cooperation with NGOs. Croatian education and culture are closely related to the German ones. This is regulated by the Agreement for cultural cooperation.

Education policy

The education system has undergone a number of changes ever since Croatia became independent, in order to adjust it to the European model. Efforts have also been made to achieve equality of opportunity in the job market. These developments have been regarded positively by the European Union. Higher education and adult further education have also been restructured in order to facilitate the access of EU citizens. All of these fields are still undergoing reforms and it is likely that there will be further improvements in education policies.